
Hello and welcome to the final OneSamurai: Dusk blog of 2022. In this blog we will be taking a look at the city of Kagoshima. Kagoshima is one of the larger settlements of the Kamakura Shogunate. Situated on the south western island of Kyushu. It is ruled by the Shugo, Shimazu Hisatsune (島津久経), the third head of the Shimazu Clan. It is the southernmost settlement in OneSamurai: Dusk, and one with a specific tropical feel. In...

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Hello and welcome to this OneSamurai: Dusk blog. In this blog will we be discussing an important part of the game, skills. There are three main skills, primarily used to determine different attributes in combat. There are also eleven secondary skills, some of which are used only in combat, and some only outside of combat. However, advancing certain skills can also unlock traits used in other areas. Main Skills The three main skills in...

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In this blog we will discuss the different types of weapons within OneSamurai: Dusk. The Majority of weapons found within the game are of Japanese origin. However, there are also weapons originating from elsewhere in Asia, such as Mongol, Korean, Chinese, and Ainu. During the Kamakura Period most combat between Samurai was done on horseback, so many weapons are designed with cavalry in mind. The types of weapons within the game...

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In this blog we will look into a selection of Bandits that can be encountered during the events of OneSamurai: Dusk. Bandits can be found during regular travel in random encounters, and more powerful outlaws can be encountered on the world map. If you get too close, these outlaws may pursue you to the nearest settlement. Bandits can also serve as an adversary in the various quests of the game. In Miyazu, a Villager suspects that Ronin...

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